Make sure the donor isn't on the list to the left.
Start your introductory email: use this template to copy and paste into your email.
Customize the email template for this donor.
Attach one of the donation request letters from the list above and an official donation form.
Or link to the documents instead if you are using an online form and cannot include attachments. Links are in the template.
Tell us about your contact so we can add it to the donor list. This is important so that the same donor is not bothered multiple times.
By Phone
Make sure the donor isn't on the list to the left.
Introduce yourself: "Hi, I'm with the Lakeshore Elementary PTA, and we're holding our annual fundraising auction on April 9."
If they are a new donor: "Could you support us by donating a (gift card/class/product) to our auction?"
If they are a past donor: "We're really grateful for your past donation (of whatever they gave, if you know). Could we count on you to repeat your past donation this year?"
Other points:
Proceeds go mostly toward enrichment classes but also toward community events and classroom funds.
We are one of San Francisco's most diverse public schools, serving about 500 students. Many of our kids come from low-income areas and these enrichment classes provide experiences they may not otherwise have access to.
We hope to raise $20,000, or roughly 20% of our annual expenses.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and their donation is tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
Tell us about your contact so we can add it to the donor list. This is important so that the same donor is not bothered multiple times.