
Upcoming Events to Kick Off the School Year

Hard to believe that the first day of school is around the corner! Here are several events happening in the next two weeks.

On Sunday, August 12 from 10am-noon, it’s the final Lakeshore summer playdate at Lakeshore on the K yard. All grades and both new and returning families are invited to play and mingle! Those who want to help keep Lakeshore beautiful, we will have greening tasks that you can help with. If you can, please bring a nut-free snack to share.

Incoming families are invited to New Family Orientation on Thursday, August 16 from 6-7:30pm. Kinder teachers will meet with new students and parents. Families of students in older grades will be offered a tour. (Teachers in older grades will not be attending.) Parents, remember to bring and turn in your forms. See welcome page for a list of forms.

On Friday, August 17, let’s make the fabulous teachers and staff feel great at the Staff Welcome Luncheon. We have a terrific spa theme planned but could use more food donations. Check out the excellent dishes planned and sign up if you can supply one of them or help out! Until 11am, drop off dishes marked “STAFF LUNCH” in the staff lounge (to the left of the main doors). Label anything you need returned with your name and email or phone number. We’re also in need of help with food prep as early as 8am, set up at 10am, and clean up at 1pm.

The Big Day: on Monday, August 20, stop by for First Day Coffee and baked goods. See the kids off to their first day of school then join other parents for celebratory coffee! Meet in the Community Room from 9:30-10:30. Coffee will be provided. Please feel free to bring baked goods to share. If you can help with coffee pickup, setup, or cleanup, please sign up. This is a great opportunity to meet returning parents, ask any questions you may have, and sign up for volunteer positions. Lakeshore depends on the support of volunteers to offer many of our great activities, so come find out how you can get involved.

Last but not least, on Friday, August 24, celebrate the first week of school at our first annual School Kick-Off Dance Party. This event takes place at the end of the school day, time TBA. Families are invited to party, and help is needed between 1-4pm. Please sign up online and help us make some noise!