
Sign Up to Read for Lakeshore 2021

Calling All Readers,

Students are invited to join the Read for Lakeshore 2021 Read-a-thon running May 20–25, 2021!

1. Register your student as a reader before May 20 (tip: enter your child’s name in the “Name” field and your own email in the “Email (optional)” field so you receive the link to your child’s read-a-thon page)
2. Read every day—books, articles, audiobooks, digital books, read-alouds all count!
3. Log your reading time in minutes every day between May 20-25.
4. Win prizes! All students who log minutes will be entered in a daily prize drawing.

Trouble registering? Email

Read for Lakeshore 2021 is a read-a-thon fundraiser. Invite your family and friends to sponsor your Lakeshore reader and raise funds for our school. Without our usual annual raffle and auction, the PTA is ending the year at a net loss of about $20,000. The goal of this fundraiser is to close as much of this gap as possible.

During this socially distanced year, the PTA has…

  • brought home enrichment activities like Art, Science in the Garden, Motor Perception, and yoga
  • hosted community events like Pet Show and Tell, Trivia Night, Disco Bingo, and Art Night
  • connected and clarified helpful information between the school and families on ParentSquare and social media
  • enabled family-to-family engagement through the in-person learners ride share program, Leopards Rock! geocaching scavenger hunt, the Pen Pal program, and offering the ParentSquare platform
  • advocated for teachers and volunteers through petitions
  • awarded grants to Lakeshore staff
  • celebrated and appreciated our staff
  • welcomed prospective and incoming families with online tours

In a typical year, the PTA also hosts or co-hosts a Superhero Saturday spring carnival, Science Fair, and more community events, which need additional funding. If you appreciate these efforts, please participate in the Read-a-thon to give us a better start next year.

Register your reader today!

Thank You and Happy Reading,
The Lakeshore PTA