
PTA Meeting Thu., Mar. 25 at 5pm—Elections and Reopening Update

Join us for the next PTA meeting on Thursday, March 25, 5–6pm on Zoom

In addition to usual business, we’ll hear from Mr. Hartford about reopening, hold our elections for next year’s PTA Executive Board officers, and do a small group activity to keep our connections going. Everyone who has been a member for at least 30 days is invited to vote in the election and can run for a position. If you were not on the nomination slate presented by the Nomination Committee, you may nominate yourself from the floor, or you may contact our Parliamentarian in advance at so we have some time to share your name and prepare a ballot.

The official agenda will be updated before the meeting.


  • Business and reports
    • Ratify minutes from the February meeting—these were emailed to current PTA members
    • Summary of the March Executive Board meeting
    • Membership report
    • Ratify transactionsfinancial report, and checks issued since the February meeting
    • Vote to release funds until the next meeting
    • Enrichment consultants update
    • Events and activities update
    • Volunteer opportunities
  • New business
    • Elections!
      • Everyone who has been a member for at least 30 days is invited to vote in the election and can run for a position. If you were not on the nomination slate presented by the Nomination Committee, you may nominate yourself from the floor, or you may contact our Parliamentarian in advance at so we have some time to share your name and prepare a ballot. Not sure if you’re a member? Contact to check. You can join or renew online for $10. Memberships are free for teachers/staff. Sponsored members are available for families in need—apply here.
    • Small group activity
  • Updates from Mr. Hartford on reopening
  • Q&A / topics from the floor

The Zoom info is in the ParentSquare RSVP.

Materials will be posted here in advance. Please take a look before the meeting so we can move through these quickly. RSVP in ParentSquare so we can figure out appropriate small group activities!