
PTA Meeting Thu., Apr. 18, 5:45-7:45pm

Join us at the April PTA General Meeting on Thursday, April 18 from 5:45-7:45pm for PTA Executive Board elections, a vote on budget adjustments for this year, a draft budget handout for next year that takes into account the Annual Giving Campaign survey, and a special workshop facilitated by Alex Locust.

Dinner, Childcare, and Gift Card Drawing

Dinner from Fil-Am Cuisine will be provided and childcare will begin at 5:45pm. RSVP here so we have enough food and childcare providers. Arrive by 5:45pm to be included in a gift card drawing at 6pm sharp!

2019-20 PTA Executive Board Election

We will be holding elections for the 2019-20 PTA Executive Board during this meeting.

Official slate:

  • President: Deb Tjoa
  • Executive VP: Open
  • VP of Membership: Alena Killpack
  • VP of Consultants: Mandy Johnson
  • VP of Special Events: Cat Sommer
  • Treasurer: Gabi Rosal
  • Financial Secretary: Laura Batie
  • Auditor: Andrew Esposto
  • Historian: Cynthia Quan
  • Parliamentarian: Open
  • Recording Secretary: Open

Additional nominations will be taken from the floor during the meeting. More members have expressed interest in running for a position since this official slate was announced. Please join us for an exciting election!

Alex Locust

Alex Locust will finish our evening with real talk, experiential exercises, group work – and lots of laughs! – as he demystifies the complex phenomenon of microaggressions. Those who attend will come away with increased awareness of what it means to engage in a diverse community, while respecting the differences in experience people may have due to race, culture, sexual orientation, ability and more.

Alex Locust is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and proud biracial, glamputee spreading the word about disability justice one workshop at a time. For more information about Alex and his work please visit

Meeting materials

Please review these in advance as we will have time only to vote/ratify and not to discuss them at the meeting. [4/9 – MOST DOCS IN DRAFT STATE]