
ParentSquare Rollover and Important SFUSD/SF PTA Updates

Long update, but good update for both returning and incoming families…

  1. ParentSquare is rolling over this weekend
  2. Keep your email and cell phone up to date
  3. Help build our community in this disconnected time
  4. See resources from SFUSD and more


1. ParentSquare is rolling over this weekend

ParentSquare needs to be updated each year with current students and classrooms.

  • This year’s correspondence has been archived. The most heavily used groups will remain live and were not archived, such as the “Discussion Forum – All School” and “Paw Print Press” groups.
  • Students will be promoted up a grade.
  • Staff will be updated.
  • Students will be assigned to new classrooms.
  • If you have a classroom from 2019-20 that you want to keep in touch with, please supply the parents/students and we will create a new private group in ParentSquare for you to keep chatting. Make sure the people in your list want to be in this new group.
  • If your family is moving on, you and your students will be removed from the system.

ParentSquare will be down incomplete for a few days as we make updates. ParentSquare was new last year and we haven’t rolled over to a new year before, so there may be a learning curve. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

2. Keep your email and cell phone up to date

For the Lakeshore PTA/ParentSquare, you can either edit your own account in ParentSquare, or fill out the PTA Contact Information form and we’ll update it for you. We are not looking at ParentVUE/SFUSD for returning families to respect privacy.

For SFUSD, update your contact info in ParentVUE. To make sure you’re actually receiving notifications, see the instructions here*Important: To receive text messages from SFUSD, you must have your cell phone number listed as a cell phone in ParentVUE, not a home phone or other phone. If you don’t have a ParentVUE account, you can learn more and sign up here.

3. Help build our community in this disconnected time

The PTA Board is beginning to discuss ways we can stay connected and especially welcome new families. Some ideas are:

  • Buddy system/Family to Family to pair new families with mentor families as a resource and to check in with, or perhaps an opt-in program to form small online groups of any Lakeshore kids to support each other
  • Have “Zoom Parents” who are like “room parents” (get it?) who can help parents and teachers with tech issues
  • Try virtual events like BINGO, trivia night, art night, dance parties, or just plain hangouts, etc.
  • Form a new Distance Learning Committee to collect feedback and help with issues
  • Engage the energy of high school volunteers somehow

Do you want to be part of this? Please let us know and share your ideas.

We may be a bit survey-weary, but the Second District PTA is collecting your ideas and recommendations for the fall based on what happened in your school communities during the spring semester. The survey will be open until August 2, and then Second District PTA will publish the data on August 3, so that all of us can have access to this idea bank to bring back to Lakeshore as we work with our administrators, educators, staff, students, and parents towards a successful fall. Open to any Lakeshore community member, including staff.

Our Lakeshore survey results from earlier this summer will be shared out next week as well.

SF PTA members also met to come up with ideas for three topics:

  1. Supporting equitable access to distance learning supports/resources
  2. Building connection and community; communication
  3. Nuts and bolts: reshaping budgets, fundraising, etc.

View the ideas here and think about what you’d like to see at Lakeshore. Can you help? Contact Here’s the video recording of the meeting:

4. See resources from SFUSD and more

Updates for Fall Learning

Resources for Coronavirus Support

Got more questions? Email