
Congrats to Grads, and Help Needed May 30 and 31

Class of 2019

Congratulations Class of 2019

Graduation Ceremony

Setup will be on Thursday 5/30 after school in the Community Room. All 5th Grade families are encouraged to help!

The ceremony is THIS Friday 5/31 (10am-12pm) in the Community Room. Two tickets have been issued to each graduate. Light refreshments will be served.

Graduation Dance

This Friday 5/31 (6-8pm) in the Community Room. Dance is just for graduates only. Food and drinks will be provided. (Chaperones not needed). $5 donation per student to help cover cost of food and decorations. Please email Ms. Classy if you have any questions.

Help Urgently Needed for Graduation, 5/31, 11am-2pm

We need volunteers to set out cupcakes, serve refreshments, and clean up.

Sign up to help with this very short, low effort event! Only five families in grades K-4 so far are giving their time to help with this important occasion. Please step up, and when your turn comes, other families will take care of graduation for you! Please show our graduates how proud we are. Thank you!