
Annual Giving Campaign Kicked Off This Week!

This is the first week of our third ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN which will make Lakeshore a stronger and better school for our children by directly supporting funds for our teachers, enrichment programs, and community events.

Help us raise $100,000 in 4 weeks and repeat our success of last year! Two years ago, this fundraiser replaced the Walk-a-thon, Read-a-thon, PTA membership donation drive, Class Funds drive, Red Envelope campaign, and other smaller fundraisers. Let’s keep moving forward and not have to return to the days of so many fundraisers. One and done!

We’re looking for 100% participation for any level that works for your family, but if you’re able, we’re recommending $500/student which is only $2.77/school day.

Look for the packet from your teacher or learn more and donate online. There will be prizes so don’t delay!

Plus, show your support for the Annual Giving Campaign on Spirit Fridays. Today was Pajama Day. The following Spirit Fridays will be Sports Day on 9/20, Crazy Hat/Hair day on 9/27, and School Colors Day on 10/4.

Thank you!