Dear Lakeshore Families, Here is a great after-school opportunity starting September 9 on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 PM. [divider] New Conservatory Theatre Creative Drama Class Join in on the fun with NCTC’s After School Drama Class. Students learn the basics of acting while exploring their imaginations and working together to create stories of their own. […]
Author: webmaster
If Your Assignment Letter Did Not Arrive…
For parents of students in grades 1-5, if you haven’t received your assignment letter, you can come down today, Sunday, August 16, to check the lists which have been posted in the lobby. Here is a message from our principal: Dear Lakeshore Families, My sincere apologies that many of you have yet to receive your […]
Hi Lakeshore families, We are very excited to offer a NEW Lego Engineering After-School Program at Lakeshore starting in September. [divider] Class 1: Engineering FUNdamentals using LEGO® Power up your engineering skills with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO®! Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects such as […]
Monday 8/17: coffee and tea at 9:30am in the Community Room Friday 8/21: ice cream 2-3:30pm outside, all classes, families welcome
UPDATE 8/14: the location has been changed. Please join us at Junipero Serra Playground instead of the K yard. [divider] This Saturday, August 15, from 11am – 2pm, join us for our third and last summer playdate. New families, come meet your new classmates. Returning families, come see some familiar faces and greet our […]