
Announcements – May 4

Be an informed parent and teach your kids to use the Internet safely by learning some basic rules about the internet and social networking. Officer Rich Austria will be presenting the information. Chinese and Spanish translators will be in attendance. We hope to see everyone on Tuesday, May 10th at 6:30.

All unused, discontinued, or outdated medication must be picked up by parent/guardians by the end of the school year. If your child has medication in the school office, you will be notified in writing to retrieve the medication. Any mediation that remains after the last day of school, May 27th, will be discarded.
You are required to complete a Medication Form and Emergency Care Plan at the start of the school year if medications are to be taken at school during the 2011-2012 school year. You are urged to make an appointment with your child’s heath care provider during the summer.

Student placement letters will be sent out the week of August 8th.    This is a huge job so we need your help in sending these out! If you are available to assist with this job, please contact Ms. Keener by Friday, May 20th. Thank you!

Attention 4th Grade Parents!
It is a tradition at Lakeshore that the 4th Grade parents help during the 5th Grade promotion festivities. It is our job to prep and serve food, and clean up the community room and kitchen after their ceremony. This will take place on Friday, May 27 – 9:00 a.m. to about noon. Please call or email Toni Vedar. Thank you!

Morning Cantonese Language Program
We are now accepting applications for enrollment in the Morning Cantonese Language Program. There are five levels in the Cantonese program. Level 1 does not require any Chinese experience. All other lev- els need to be tested before enrollment if not progressing from a lower level. Classes begin at 8:15 a.m. and end at 9:15 a.m on school days in the Community Room at Lakeshore school. The tuition for the Canton- ese program is $700 (payable in two installments) for the school year, plus $25 registration. Enrollment will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please email us with any questions or if you would like a registration form. Registrations forms are also available in the Lakeshore office.

Lost & Found
Please take a moment to look through the Lost & Found rack for any clothes or lunch boxes your child may have lost during the school year. All unclaimed items will be donated to a charity at the end of May.

PTA Update
Our FINAL PTA meeting is Wed., May 11 from 6:15-7:45 in the community room.
We will present our proposed budget for the school year 2011-2012 and make final revisions. Please keep an eye out for a copy in your mailbox prior to the meeting, so you can give valuable feedback on how your hard-earned money is spent. Come have a say on what stays and what gets cut next year.
– Megumi Fuse