
PTA Meeting Thu., Apr. 9, 6-6:45pm

The next PTA meeting is Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 6pm on Zoom.
See the ParentSquare meeting post for meeting number and password. If you are not on ParentSquare, email for meeting info.
This is the meeting rescheduled from March 26.

Please hop on this quick call so we can cross some annual tasks off our list: elections and audit.
RSVP to the ParentSquare post or email so we know if we’ll make quorum, which is 15, to make any votes official.
We’ll try to condense all our business into just 30-45 minutes and leave time at the end to say “hi” to Mr. Hartford and each other.

Topics (order and times subject to change):

  1. (2 min) Welcome: online call ground rules and roll call
  2. (3 min) Approval of February minutes, summary of March Board meeting, emailed previously to members
  3. (4 min) Financial reports: financial and treasurer’s reports, ratify checks
  4. (1 min) Auditor’s report of the Fall 2019 audit.
  5. (7 min) Budget: hear whether we’ll be okay this and next year. Come with any budget ideas to consider for the May budget vote, which sets the interim budget through the summer and the start of next year.
  6. (5 min) Elections: life will continue next year, so let’s vote and celebrate our incoming leaders!
  7. (2 min) Auction outcome, getting stuff to winners, subsequent flash sales for late or unsold items
  8. (6 min) How Lakeshore is affected by COVID-19 and how the PTA is adjusting – taking care of our consultants, replacements for special events
  9. Meeting adjourned
  10. (15 min) Optional: social time – hang out and say “hi” to Mr. Hartford and each other

Treasurer’s Report (all transactions in/out)
Financial Report (summary by category)
Checks Report (to ratify spending)

For elections, we have a full slate except for VP Programs and Consultants. If you wish to run from the “floor” for this open position or you wish to run against any of our nominees, contact ASAP to make our voting efficient.

  • President Deb Tjoa
  • Executive VP Gabi Rosal
  • Treasurer Shawn Kessler
  • Secretary Alena Killpack
  • Financial Secretary Anne Sausser
  • Auditor Andrew Esposto
  • VP Programs and Consultants (open)
  • VP Membership Angela Mitchell
  • VP Special Events Ketevan Peradze
  • Parliamentarian Jeff Firestone
  • Historian Cynthia Quan