
Have You Signed Up for Before- and After-School Programs for Next Year?

Everyday Magic’s (EMI) registration deadline for before- and after-school care for the 2019-20 school year is this Friday 5/24. See website for more details. Scholarships available.

Deadline for ExCEL’s 2019-20 application for before- and after-school care is on 6/4. Click here to apply online for after-school care. For before-school care, contact Jessie Hardwick ( for paper application. See website for more details.

After School Mandarin Program (AMP) is enrolling for 2019-20. Designed for both English and Mandarin speakers, students will develop fundamental communication and literacy skills in a fun, cultural environment. No prior exposure to Mandarin is necessary. See website for more details.

To see hours and other details for the programs above, or for updated information about our other before- and after-school enrichment programs – Morning Mandarin, Afternoon Mandarin, Piano, Drama, Academic Chess, and Lego – please see our school website.