
Bike and Roll to School Day is Tuesday, April 16

Bike and Roll to School Day is April 16 at Lakeshore. Walk, bike, carpool, or take transit to school! These alternatives are good for our bodies, communities, and environment. They also can be a great way to sneak in some family time on the way to school.

Join a “bike train” coming from the Outer Sunset and the Central Sunset. The route is easily reached by multiple MUNI lines. Email Laura Batie for details.

If you’re biking and parking, bring a bike lock, and remember to wear your helmet.

Young walkers and rollers will receive stickers and prizes upon arrival at Lakeshore!

Check out for more information about this city-wide event.

Can you help us secure light snacks, welcome walkers and bikers with prizes in front of Lakeshore, or walk or ride with kids to school? Please sign up at or contact Laura Batie.