
Parent-Teacher Conference Week Nov. 26-30 – Early Dismissal

The week following the Thanksgiving break is Parent-Teacher Conference Week. School will be dismissed early at 2:35pm.

For after-school programs, Everyday Magic will keep normal pickup hours and Afternoon Mandarin will end one hour early at 4pm. For hours of other after-school programs, please check with your program.

Please remember early dismissal next week!

Tip: check and read the Paw Print Press frequently to be aware of events such as Conference Week.

The parent-teacher conference is your chance to sit down one-on-one with your child’s teacher to learn about your child’s progress.

Once your child starts school, he/she will spend nearly as many waking hours with their teachers and peers as they will at home. Parent-teacher conferences are an opportunity to team up with teachers to help make your child’s school year successful and memorable, so please make time for it.

Teachers should be emailing or sending home requests for appointments soon. Please reply to this request promptly to make sure you and your child’s teacher can find a time that works for both of you.

Here are a few things to think about before your conversation with your child’s teacher.

  • What should my child learn this year? Ask the teacher what skills and knowledge your child will be expected to master by the end of the school year.
  • What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses?
  • How is my child’s class behavior?
  • What type of learner is my child?
  • How much time should he/she spend on homework?
  • How do you evaluate your students? Is work graded on completion or accuracy? Do you grade class participation?
  • Is my child working up to his/her ability?
  • How is my child doing socially?
  • How can I help?
  • May I tell you about what’s going on at home? How your child feels can impact his/her performance. Have there been recent changes? Situations like illness, divorce or a new baby may affect your child’s school experience, so inform your child’s teacher of such circumstances.

Regardless of what was discussed during the conference, try to end on a positive note. You may not always agree with your child’s teacher, but working together to solve issues should unite you both with a common interest. Remember, you both have the same goal: to make this a successful school year for your child!

Sources: and Everyday Magic