Donate Now // 現在捐贈
Thank you for your support for our Annual Giving Campaign! Please help us reach our goal of $100,000 this year by (**extended to**) Wednesday Oct 23rd. Lakeshore Elementary has a diverse student body whose families reflect a wide range of economic circumstances. For this fundraising campaign, we are asking all Lakeshore families to give what they can toward the recommended donation of $600 per child ($3.33 per school day – the cost of a cup of coffee). As always, choose a donation amount that fits your family’s finances and know that every dollar makes a difference.
- $100 funds one Art session for half a class
- $250 funds 15 books for the school library to promote literacy
- $500 funds one year of additional supplies and materials for one class
- $800 funds Motor Perception sessions for one class for half a year
Before you donate, does your employer match donations?
Learn more about Employer Matching here.
感謝你支持我們的周年募捐行動!請幫助我們達到今年 $100,000 的籌款目標。我們希望每個家庭盡力而為,多多益善,少少無拘。請知道,每一元都能夠帶來改變。
Donate by Paypal or Credit Card
Please choose either Monthly Donations or One-Time Donation, fill out the form then proceed to enter credit card or Paypal info.
如想用信用卡或 Paypal 捐贈,請選擇分期捐贈或是一次捐贈。填寫好表格後請點擊“繼續”去下一個版面填寫付款資料。
One-Time Donation // 一次捐贈
Enter your donation amount on the next screen
請點擊 “繼續” 去下一個付款版面填寫捐款數額及完成捐贈 |
Prefer to donate by check or cash?
Please see our flyer or visit Annual Giving Campaign site.