(These announcements appear in the Oct. 7th Edition of The Paw Print Press)
Parent Teacher Conferences – October 26 – 30
Parent Teacher Conferences begin the week of October 26th and continue until October 30th. Dismissal time is 2:30 all week! Your child’s teacher will be sending home a conference schedule for you to sign up for a preferred time to meet. When getting ready for the conference, remember the following:
- Talk to your child before the conference. Ask your child what she would like you to discuss at the meeting. Ask, “I’m going to be meeting with your teacher. What will s/he tell me?”
- Ask questions. Come to the conference with a list of questions regarding your child’s academic and social issues. Clarify any information that is confusing to you.
- Share information about your child. The more you share about your child-both her strengths and weaknesses-the better the teacher will successfully meet her needs.
- Raise issues of concern and listen to what the teacher has to say in response to the problem. Then work together to find a solution.
- Take notes. It is difficult to remember everything that is said!
- Be on time! Make the most of your meeting by arriving on time. This shows respect to not only your child but other parents and teachers who are on a tight schedule!
-Ms. Keener
Hello Lakeshore Families!
We’re gearing up for the Annual Multicultural Pot Luck Dinner on Friday October 16th, from 6:30 to 8:00. Please be thinking about what you would like to bring to share that represents a food from your culture. You can bring a salad, an entrée, a side dish or a dessert to share. When you arrive, you can fill out a place card which describes the dish. Please indicate if you have used any nut products to help us avoid allergic reactions. Also, plan to wear clothing which represents your culture. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. – Susan Anderson
- Please remember to label all of your child’s personal items including coats, backpacks and lunch boxes. Frequently check the Lost & Found by the cafeteria. Continue to check periodically if the item is not found right away. Sometimes it takes a few days for volunteers and custodians to round up the items from the school yards. If your child brings home an article that is not his or hers, please return it to the Lost & Found.
- Fridays are Lakeshore Spirit Days. The Lakeshore Leopards School Colors are Red, Black, and White.
- Please review the Redbook for the Lakeshore calendar of events. Please email the PTA to volunteer for setting up, helping during the event, and cleaning up. If we all signed up for a 1⁄2 hour shift, we would all have time to also enjoy the event. We need your help!
- Please remember to sign the Volunteer Log in the office if you help at school. Record the hours you spend at home on school volunteer projects and the time you spend volunteering at school events. Email your monthly totals to the PTA Historian, Mariah Bianchi.
- Please consider volunteering daily during Breakfast 9:15-9:30am, Lunch 12 Noon – 1:30pm as cafeteria recycling monitors. The office also needs a volunteer to answer phones daily during Ms. Mao’s lunch break from 1:45-2:30pm.
- Please remind your children to pick up their snack and lunch garbage even if the wind blows wrappers and napkins right from their hands.
Do you love cooking? (or even just eating!)
Volunteer to coordinate food for either:
the Auction and Wine Social (Saturday evening, April 24) or the Spring Fling (Sunday day, May 16) Contact Megumi Fuse for details fuse@sfsu.edu
The Saeco Coffee Service machine is back at Lakeshore and conveniently located in the Staff Lunchroom next to the cafeteria. For only $1 each cup, enjoy a variety of tasty coffees and hot chocolate treats. Cups, lids, sugar, creamer, and stir sticks are available next to the machine. The hardest part is remembering to take your drink when it’s done!